Sunday, September 7, 2008


From my little baby boy

To my litte Austin man!

Austin turned 2 on September 4th. This is him trying to hold up two fingers. He couldn't do it on one hand so we taught him to hold his two 1st fingers up... I can't beleive that my little boy is 2 already. Man time flies too fast! Seems like just a little bit ago we were bringing him home from the hospital. Austin is such a character and has such a personality he is a joy to our life. He is so stubborn and yet so sweet. Such a temper and yet so loving. He talks very well for 2 so we can understand him. He loves to be outside, fishing and playing. Imaginext toys, planes, trains (Thomas), and automobiles oh and motorcycles (cycles as he calls them). Balls, bugs, and animals. He is a boy thru and thru.

1 Love notes:

Celeste B. said...

What cute little guy! I can't believe he is that old now. Time sure does fly.

He looks so happy with his party and new toys.