Friday, March 6, 2009

Gonna Call you on the Telephone Papa and give you a ring......

The kids wanted to call Papa Quader since they hadn't seen or heard from him in a while. Austin got way into talking to Papa Quader as you can tell. He tells him about his race cars, say hello to them, his Elmo shirt he is wearing and asks about fishing and proceeds to tell Papa Quader about how he reels in his fish and says "Come on Baby" which is exactly what Austin says when he is reeling in a fish. And proceeds to tell Papa Quader that he caught a really big fish. This snap shot of his conversation is a glimps at the personality of Austin. We just love this little guy to pieces!

3 Love notes:

Celeste B. said...

That is too cute! I love the "Come on Baby!"

Brandi said...

That's pretty funny! Love it!

Brandi said...

I meant to tell you that I love your new picture! Your hair is way cute!!